Wellsford/Mangawhai Camera Club News
Title | news item text |
Interclub 2019 | The annual interclub competition between Bay of Islands, Dargaville, Wellsford and Whangarei was concluded over the weekend, and it seems to have gone well. Wellsford as a club came a valiant third. The points as scored were: Whangarei, 76, BoI 63, Wellsford 61 and Dargaville 56. Next year's event is to be hosted by Dargaville, and the theme is "Negative space". I've compiled the images, the club and the comments and scores from the judge (Ian Taylor) into the following table.
Anna takes the Gold | Anna Thoroghgood earned the gold medal in the landscape category of the 2019 North Shore Salon. This is a great achievement in a highly prestigious competition. |
Remarks from our August Judge Rebecca Clist. | Please find through this link the notes about "Approaches and processes when working within a given theme.." .from our August judge Rebecca Clist. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eR-k-YKaKkfL_iuJLy_p2_D54i96W6w… |
Thanks and Link for those keen on Car Photography | We were sent this link by a group who discovered our site and really liked what they saw! They were inspired by our images and sent a personal thank you. https://www.titlemax.com/articles/car-spotting-and-photography/ |
Annual Subscription due. | At our AGM meeting on Thursday 28th July 2018 the club confirmed that the subs will remain the same. Student $10. Adult $30 and Couple $50. The bank account to make an internet payment is BNZ 02-0484-0106652-00. |
PSNZ Convention | Whanganui Camera Club invites you to peruse the 2018 Central Region Convention website http://central.psnzconvention.org.nz which is now live. Also. see the promo video as viewed at PSNZ National Convention in Dunedin http://www.whanganuicameraclub.com/psnz-central-regional-2018.html |
Creative Focus Competition | The PSNZ wish to bring this opportinuty to your attention. The Creative Focus Competition opens on 1 May and closes 10 June. The subjects for this year are Creative Focus, Surreal Landscape, Shades of Autumn and Pastel-High Key. Supreme image $500, troplies and ribbons. The competition is open to everyone. For more information go to www.creative-focus.co.nz
Camera Talk and NZ Photography Tours Newsletter | The link for Camera Talk Feb/March : https://issuu.com/photographicsocietyofnewzealand/docs/cameratalk_febru… |
Camera Talk December/January | Please click on this link to read Camera Talk December/January. https://issuu.com/photographicsocietyofnewzealand/docs/cameratalk_decem…
Camera Talk Oct/Nov |
So sorry it is so late. but as I was cleaning out my emails I came across this one. My Bad! If you are keen to have a look at this edition, please follow this link. http://issuu.com/photographicsocietyofnewzealand/docs/cameratalk_october_2017_full